Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Three Fav. Hobbies free essay sample

Most of my day consists of studies, doing house choirs and going to school. With all that, all my time Is usually taken up. It Is very hard to find time for myself. It can get very stressful with homework, traffic, and getting work completed on time. When I do get the chance to have some extra time, I have many other activities I enjoy doing. A few of my hobbies include, sleeping, going to the movies, and listening to music. First, I enjoy sleeping every chance I can get. When I am at school I try to make time during my breaks to get a few minutes of sleep.It helps me be alert and stay awake throughout the day. Also, any spare time that I might have I try to get some sleep, for example between classes, or between my travel and school. It rarely happens, but I take advantage of it when it does come along. We will write a custom essay sample on My Three Fav. Hobbies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My favorite time to sleep would be at night; everyones favorite time to sleep is at night I would guess. Getting a good night sleep is important to me. If I do not get a good night sleep, I can pretty much count myself as dead the next day. Second, going to the movies gives me something to do.When I am bored, It always mess Like a good Idea to just head out and go watch a movie. I do rarely have time In my schedule to get bored, but it does happen once In a blue moon. I enjoy going to the movies and it puts me in a better mood. To laugh, get scared, or even cry over something that does not have anything to do with my own personal life is a good feeling. For example, the movie Mirrors was an awesome movie about spirits being trapped in mirrors. I was scared during the movie, but I knew once it was over, that was not something I had to be scared of in real life.My friends sometimes like to get getter and make it a group thing to go out and all see a movie. Usually when this happens, we do not know what we are going to watch until we get there. Meaning this could come to waiting for hours for the movie to start and take the chance of watching a dual movie. Having your friends there always make it all worthwhile. Lastly, listening to music releases most of stress I get from my busy day. When I am at home doing my homework, I put music on to help me think. It clears my mind, and I have realized I work faster while listening to it.I have an MPH player with all of y favorite songs downloaded to it. Listening to it makes my day seem to zoom by. Also, I enjoy listening to the talk shows in the morning where the radio hosts do funny pranks on people who call in. It makes me laugh and awakens me in the morning. My absolute favorite time to listen to music would be when traffic. When I am sitting there not moving, all I have to do is turn up the radio and tune out of all the traffic. In my mind, it makes it seem as if traffic was going quicker. Unfortunately I lost it, by now Im planning to buy one, because I think I cant live without itSleeping, going to the movies, and listening to music are the three main hobbles I enjoy the most In my spare time. I hope there will be time to do all the things that make me the happiest In life. Then, I will be able to sleep all I need to. I will be able to go to the movies, not Just out of boredom. I will listen to music more than Just at home or while stuck in traffic. My Three FAA. Hobbies By Jeep all that, all my time is usually taken up. It is very hard to find time for myself. It can Second, going to the movies gives me something to do.When I am bored, it always seems like a good idea to Just head out and go watch a movie. I do rarely have time in my schedule to get bored, but it does happen once in a blue moon. I enjoy going to lost it, by now Im planning to buy one, because I think I cant live without it Sleeping, going to the movies, and listening to music are the three main hobbies I enjoy the most in my spare time. I hope there will be time to do all the things that make me the happiest in life. Then, I will be able to sleep all I need to.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Patenting Rights and USPTO Applications

Patenting Rights and USPTO Applications When an inventor is granted a patent the following will arrive in mail; your US patent will be issued in the name of the United States under the seal of the Patent and Trademark Office, and will be signed by either the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks or bear his/her name and have the signature of a US Patent Office official. The patent contains a grant to the patentee. A printed copy of the specification and drawing is annexed to the patent and forms a part of it. What Rights Does a Patent Grant? The grant confers the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States and its territories and possessions for which the term of the patent shall be 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed in the United States or (if the application contains a specific reference to an earlier filed patent application) from the date of the earliest such application was filed. However, you have to pay your maintenance fees. Watch the Wording Patent law can be tricky, the key is in the words right to exclude. The patent does not grant the right to make, use, offer for sale or sell or import the invention but only grants the exclusive nature of the right. Any person is ordinarily free to make, use, offer for sale or sell or import anything he/she pleases, and a grant from the US Government is not necessary. The patent only grants the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling or importing the invention. Since the patent does not grant the right to make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import the invention, the patentee’s own right to do so is dependent upon the rights of others and whatever general laws might be applicable. A Patent Does Not Give Unlimited Rights A patentee, merely because he/she has received a patent for an invention, is not thereby authorized to make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import the invention if doing so would violate any law. An inventor of the new automobile who has obtained a patent thereon would not be entitled to use the patented automobile in violation of the laws of a State requiring a license, nor may a patentee sell an article, the sale of which may be forbidden by law, merely because a patent has been obtained. Neither may a patentee make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import his/her own invention if doing so would infringe the prior rights of others. A patentee may not violate the Federal antitrust laws, such as by resale price agreements or entering into combination in restraints of trade, or the pure food and drug laws, by virtue of having a patent. Ordinarily, there is nothing which prohibits a patentee from making, using, offering for sale, or selling, or importing his/her own invention, unless he/she thereby infringes another’s patent which is still in force. Correction of Granted Patents The Office may issue without charge a certificate correcting a clerical error it has made in the patent when the printed patent does not correspond to the record in the Office. These are mostly corrections of typographical errors made in printing. Some minor errors of a typographical nature made by the applicant may be corrected by a certificate of correction for which a fee is required. The patentee may disclaim (and try to remove) one or more claims of his/her patent by filing in the Office a disclaimer. When the patent is defective in certain respects, the law provides that the patentee may apply for a reissue patent. This is a patent granted to replace the original and is granted only for the balance of the unexpired term. However, the nature of the changes that can be made by means of the reissue are rather limited; new matter cannot be added. Any person may file a request for reexamination of a patent, along with the required fee, on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications. At the conclusion of the reexamination proceedings, a certificate setting forth the results of the reexamination proceeding is issued. Patent Expiration After the patent has expired anyone may make, use, offer for sale or sell or import the invention without permission of the patentee, provided that matter covered by other unexpired patents is not used. The terms may be extended for certain pharmaceuticals and for certain circumstances as provided by law.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human resources management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resources management - Assignment Example The hard HRM philosophy is based on the notion of tight strategic control and the soft model on the contrary is based on controlling through commitment. However, it must be admitted that because of the diverse nature of the two concepts their incorporation into a single model of HRM remains incomplete and improper (Truss, et al., 1997, p.53). The basic differences between the two philosophies can be elaborated using the Michigan and the Harvard models on management. Harvard and Michigan had put forth Theory X and Theory Y for explaining the difference concepts of HRM. Theory X is based on the notion where people are viewed as being lazy and who work for own interest. It considers the interests of people and management as being completely opposite nature and those organizations need to direct their behaviour to the organization’s benefit. Theory Y considers human beings as being emotional possessing feelings and motivation. They actively participate in activities which give the m pleasure and personal realization and that it is the duty of the management to motivate them and help realize their potential (Truss, et al., 1997, p.54). According to the findings of Poole and Mansfield, (1994), the hard model comprises of amore strategic approach which endorses the views of the management more than the employees. On the other hand the soft model emphasizes more on communication, team work and group activities and utilization of individual talents (Gill, 1999, p.2). Theory X which is based on the hard HRM model mainly focuses on the nature of the organization and the organizational characteristics paying very little attention to the nature of the employees while on the contrary, the soft model based on which Theory Y is derived considers nature of employees and their needs and requirements for delivering to the organization (Price, 2007, p.42). Also the soft model of HRM considers increased satisfaction as the management’s main aim against the various calc ulated methods which characterizes the hard model. Lastly it must be mentioned that the hard model was one of the very first theories which were developed when organizations were born and they do not exactly demonstrate human nature. They were regarding the ways of managing the workforce through scientific measurements. This theory considered humans as resources like the way machines were treated as resources of the organization. However, the soft model thinks that individuals can be proactive and creative and must be nurtured by the organization in order to ensure their commitment (Price, 2007, p.42). Advantages and disadvantages of each approach Hard HRM practices are extremely tough minded and calculative and communicates through tough languages of economics and business. It focuses on the calculative and quantitative business strategic aspects of managing human resource. The beneficial aspect of this model is that it provides a close integration of the HRM policies, practices, s ystems and activities with the strategic interests of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Press release critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Press release critique - Essay Example Change, variety, and diversity are critical as far as art is concerned, an aspect that makes the release vital to the academic, community, and social fraternity. Media outlets approachable with this release include, but are not limited to, online platforms, print media, and the broadcast media. This is because the highlights made in the release are appealing to the intended audience. The release is purposeful and driven by an identifiable goal to display and position â€Å"Kora† in the contemporary artwork. In this respect, the lead works because it does not only present Liou’s masterwork, but also adds variety and diversity to contemporary art. At a personal level, the release is interesting because it brings into perspective both â€Å"Kora† and Mount Kailash. While many people may not pay attention to the two, it is captivating to learn about both â€Å"Kora† and Mount Kailash with respect to the ‘State of the Art’ Show. However, the press release fails to capture personal inspiration or motivation behind Professor Liou pursuing the â€Å"Kora† from an artistic point of view. Amid this, the length of the release was appropriate because all the information presented is relevant to the subject matter. Finally, the following questions emerge after reading the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Frequency Distribution Graph Statistics Project

Frequency Distribution Graph - Statistics Project Example More so, descriptive statistics establishes the mean, mode and median central tendency useful in measure of variability that includes the minimum and maximum numbers, variance, kurtosis and degree of skewness (Tochim & Donnelly, 2006). Significantly, histogram and frequency distribution graph provides information for finding the central tendency and measure of variability. As a result, descriptive statistics deals with the frequency distributions, average, variability and transformed scores to be plotted in the histogram hence providing pictorial information of the scores. Therefore, it is important to interpret the frequency distributions for the variables and changes in the descriptive statistics. More significantly, descriptive statistics present how scores are centrally inclined and vary within the histogram. As a result, the scores of both genders are represented in the histograms, and a representation of the distribution of the scores is created. In addition, it provides information of each genders mean, mode, median, degree of skewness, kurtosis and minimum and maximum numbers in the scores provided. More extensively, the scores of male remain concentrated around the average point of the curve, most appearing number and the middle number of their scores. As a result, it gives descriptive information on the scores of male that are asymmetrically distributed given that the left side of the polygon is less than the right part hence its asymmetrically distributed. Nonetheless, the females scores are normally distributed because the right side of the polygon is equal distributed with the left as a result, it remains symmetrically distributed. More so, the peak of males score is sharper hence, the kurtosis remains positive. On the other hand, the female scores are distributed normally, and the peak is less sharp hence, the scores are not concentrated around the mean As a result, the scores have been presented based on the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fluoroquinolones for Infectious Diseases Treatment

Fluoroquinolones for Infectious Diseases Treatment 1.10 Pharmaceuticals 1.10.2 Fluoroquinolones Fluoroquinolones are extensively used for treatment of various infectious diseases. [[1]]. Because of their extensive Gram negative treatment, quinolone antibiotics were initially used for the treatment urinary tract related diseases. Higher drug concentrations promote their effectiveness in the treatment of urinary infections. lomefloxacin, levofloxacin ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and gatifloxacin have higher renal clearance to analyze the activity of the kidney and urine concentration test measures the ability of the kidneys to excrete water. Fluoroquinolones enter the environment by different routes including municipal and industrial wastewater effluent. The recent studies show that from many parts of the world reported the presence of fluoroquinolones in surface water bodies at concentrations ranging from non-detectable to around 50 ng dm-3 [[2]]. The existence and addition of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in aquatic environments, at very low concentrations, may cause affect to the ecosystem and human health. They require development of the different oxidation methods for the transformation of fluoroquinolones in water during water treatment. Disinfection processes (e.g., chlorination, oxidation, and UV irradiation) appear to result in considerable addition of fluoroquinolone and their transformation during municipal treatment of waste before to release into water stream [[3]]. An added disinfectant may undergo transformation reactions with antibacterial agents during water treatment. Sodium hypochlorite is a commonly intended for chlorination of water during disinfection process, and also potassium permanganate may be also used for disinfection processes[[4][5]]. Considering the occurrence of chlorine in municipal wastewater and drinking water disinfection processes, reactions with aqueous chlorine species likely play a particularly important role in the environmental fate of fluoroquinolones. Levofloxacin Levofloxacin is in a class of antibacterial agent called fluoroquinolones. It is used for the treatment of certain bacterial infections. Levofloxacin is used to treat certain infections such as urinary tract, chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney and skin infections. Levofloxacin may used to prevent anthrax in people who may have been open to anthrax germs in the air. It works by destroying bacteria that causes infections. Antibiotics will not work for viral infections, flu, colds, or other diseases. Lomefloxacin Structure of Lomefloxacin (LMF) Lomefloxacin is also class of fluoroquinolones antibacterial agent.This used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections. It is used to treat bacterial infections including bronchitis and urinary tract infections. Lomefloxacin is associated with photo toxicity and central nervous system adverse effects [[6]]. 1.10.3 Oxazolidinones The oxazolidinones, a new class of synthetic antibacterial agents have a distinctive mechanism of to contorol bacterial protein synthesis. The oxazolidinone to be approved for clinical use, show in-vitro activity against many important resistant harmful organisms. Clinical trials verified the action in the setting of pneumonia soft-tissue, and skin infections, and infections due to vancomycin-resistant. [[7]]. Linezolid Linezolid is an antibacterial agent used to treat certain serious bacterial infections that have not taken action from other antibacterial agents. Linezolid is not only used to treats bacterial infections, but also for viral infections. Unnecessary use or over use of any antibiotic can lead to its reduces effectiveness. Linezolid is a relatively safe drug; it can be used in patients of all ages and in people with poor kidney function or liver disease [[8]]. The current study was undertaken to elucidate reaction products, kinetics, and mechanism between free available chlorine (FAC) or permanganate with fluoroquinolones class of antibacterial agents such as levofloxacin (LFC) Lomefloxacin (LMF) and oxazolidinone class of antibacterial agent linezolid (LNZ). Which are the most popular for disease control and prevention in the recently are used. 1.10.1. Routes of pharmaceuticals entering into the environment The figures 1.4.a. and 1.4.b. and figure 1.5 shows that a large fraction of clinically prescribed antibiotic dose is discharged into municipal waste water systems due to incomplete metabolism of antibiotics within the human body. (Rain) runoff water carries the hospital wastes to rivers and contaminates the river water. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the presence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Continuous exposure of antibiotics to bacterial communities, promotes the bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance. Possible induction of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is directly related to human health. The action of antibiotics during water treatment process clearly plays a significant role in this regard. Antibacterials and other pharmaceutical are having the tendency to persist contaminants in the water supply is of increasing concern in the field of environmental toxicology. Several national and international bodies have reported the presence of antibacterials in surface water, ground water, drinking water, and waste water [[9]]. Antibacterials were primarily observed as â€Å"wonder medicines† mainly because they were introduced from surgical drains or spontaneous cure were available to treat serious bacterial diseases. Many classes of these antibacterial agents were discovered in the last five to six decades. These include penicillins, sulfonamides, trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, cephalosporins, colimycins, tetracyclines, lincosamides etc, [[10]]. Understanding the fate and transportation of antibacterial agents in the aquatic environment is vital to properly assess the risk associated with these emerging contaminants [[11]]. What happens to these antibacterial agents during municipal water treatment? Municipal water treatment essentially involve following processes; The steps involved in conventional water treatment method are shown in the above flow diagram. The aeration process is carried out to remove the odor from the water. The filtration is the removal of the solids, specially suspended matter, by passing the water through a granular media (sand, coal, diatomaceous earth, granular activated carbon). The colloidal particles pass through the filtration process and removed using coagulants in the flocculation process. The micro contaminants, which are dissolved in water, can easily pass through aeration, filtration and flocculation processes but they may react with the disinfectants in the last process. What are the commonly used disinfectants? Chlorine: Chlorine gas, NaOCl, Bleaching powder, Conventional water treatment Chloramines: Weak disinfectant and low rate of reaction Ozone: Costly UV/H2O2: Costly Not suitable for Municipal water treatment KMnO4: Potassium permanganate is usually applied for waste water treatment 1.11 Disinfection Disinfection is the process of killing pathogenic organisms like bacteria and viruses in the drinking water supply. It is the last step in the treatment and is necessary to supply a â€Å"bacteriologically free† drinking water for the general public usage. Disinfection is the necessary step before the public water supplies. Chlorination is the treatment technique of killing harmful microorganisms in water supplies. 1.11.1 Chlorination An added layer of complexity in this problem lies in the potential bio-transformation antibacterial agents can undergo during drinking water chlorination. Chlorination, in the form of sodium hypochlorite, is a common mechanism of drinking water disinfection. [[12]]. Chlorination has been shown degradation of certain parent drugs in drinking water [[13]]. The effect of chlorination has been studied for several non antibacterials. However, these studies are few in comparison to the variety of pharmaceutical contaminants our environment faces [[14]]. A long-term objective of this research work is to know the fate of antibacterial in the water supply when they are exposed to chlorination and oxidation in the drinking water treatment process. Microorganisms can be found in raw water like rivers, lakes and groundwater. Some microorganisms may cause diseases in human and are called pathogens. These pathogens existing in water can be transmitted through a drinking water distribution system, causes water related diseases. The use of chlorine in the water treatment process was originally directed to the primary function of disinfection. Chlorination is one of the methods that can be used to make germ-free water. This method was first used over a hundred years ago, and is still it is continued. It is a chemical disinfection method that uses various types of chlorine or chlorine-containing substances for the oxidation and disinfection of what will be the potable water source. 1.11.2 Importance and benefits of chlorination of water Many investigations and studies have been carried out to make sure success in new treatment plants using chlorine as a cleaning agent. An important benefit of chlorination is that it has effective against viruses and bacteria. The three most common types of chlorinating agents used in water treatment are: Ca (OCl)2 (calcium hypochlorite), NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite), and Cl2 (chlorine) gas, Any type of chlorinating agent is added to water during the water treatment process will lead to form of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ion (OCl), which are the main disinfecting species. Of the two disinfecting species, hypochlorous acid is the most effective. The amount of each compound present in the water is dependent on the pH level of the water. At lower pH levels, the hypochlorous acid will dominant. The quantity of chlorine that is required to disinfect water is depends on the impurities in the water. The amount of chlorine that is required to satisfy all the impurities is termed the ‘chlorine demand. Once the chlorine demand has been reached is called breakpoint chlorination i.e., the addition of chlorine to water until the chlorine demand has been fulfilled. After the breakpoint, any extra chlorine added will result in free chlorine residual, residual chlorine can react with a number of different contaminants present in raw water The main purpose of chlorination is to disinfect water, but it also has many other benefits. Unlike some of the other disinfection methods like ozonation and ultraviolet radiation, chlorination is able to provide a residual to reduce the chance of growing pathogens in water storage tanks or the water distribution system. 1.11.3 Types of chlorinating agents 1.11.3 .1 Chlorine Gas Chlorine gas is good disinfectant, but it is toxic to more than just waterborne pathogens; it is also toxic to humans. When chlorine gas (Cl2) is added to the water (H2O), it hydrolyzes rapidly to produce hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and the hypochlorous acid will then dissociate into hypochlorite ions (OCl) and hydrogen ions (H+). Because hydrogen ions are produced, the water will become more acidic (the pH of the water will decrease). The amount of dissociation depends on the original pH of the water. If the pH of the water is below a 6.5, nearly no dissociation will occur and the hypochlorous acid will dominate. A pH above 8.5 will see a complete dissociation of chlorine, and hypochlorite ions will dominate. A pH between 6.5 and 8.5 will see both hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions present in the water. Together, the hypochlorous acid and the hypochlorite ions are referred to as free chlorine. Hypchlorous acid is the more effective disinfectant, and therefore, a lower pH is preferred for disinfection. Calcium hypochlorite Calcium hypochlorite Ca (OCl) 2 is made up of the calcium salts of hypochlorous acid. When treating water, a lesser amount of calcium hypochlorite is needed than if using chlorine gas. When calcium hypochlorite is added to water, hypochlorite and calcium ions are produced. Instead of decreasing the pH like chlorine gas does, calcium hypochlorite increases the pH of the water. However, hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite concentrations are still dependent on the pH of the water; therefore by decreasing the pH of the water, hypochlorous acid will still be present in the water. As a result, calcium hypochlorite and chlorine gas both produce the same type of residuals. 1.11.3 .3 Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is made up of the sodium salts of hypochlorous acid and is a chlorine-containing compound that can be used as a disinfectant. It is produced when chlorine gas is dissolved into a sodium hydroxide solution. It is in liquid form, clear with a light yellow color, and has a strong chlorine smell. Sodium hypochlorite is extremely corrosive and must be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. Sodium hypochlorite will naturally decompose; therefore it cannot be stored for more than one month at a time. Of all the different types of chlorine available for use, this is the easiest to handle. Like calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite will also produce a hypochlorite ion, but instead of calcium ions, sodium ions are produced. NaOCl will also increase the pH of the water through the formation of hypochlorite ions. To obtain hypochlorous acid, which is a more effective disinfectant, the pH of the water should be decreased. In drinking water, the concentration of chlorine is usually very low and is thus not a concern in acute exposure. More of a concern is the long term risk of cancer due to chronic exposure to chlorinated water. Chlorination is a very conventional method of water disinfection that has been used from several years. It is efficient for destroying viruses and bacteria. 1.12 Aqueous chlorination chemistry In water treatment, gaseous chlorine Cl2 or hypochlorite are commonly used for chlorination processes. Chlorine gas (Cl2) hydrolyzes in water according to the following reaction: Fig.1.5. Relative distribution of main aqueous chlorine species as a function of pH at 25 ËÅ ¡C and for a chloride concentration Where k1 and k-1 values, calculated at  µ=0 M and 25ËÅ ¡C from Wang and Margerum, are 22.3 s-1 and 4.3Ãâ€"104 M-2 s-1, respectively. For temperatures between 0 and 25 1ËÅ ¡C, KCl2 ranges from 1.3Ãâ€"10-4 to 5.1Ãâ€"10-4 [[15]]. Hypochlorous acid resulting from reaction (1), is a weak acid which dissociates in aqueous solution: With KHOCl reported in literature between 1.5Ãâ€"10-8 (pKaHOCl,0ËÅ ¡C = 7.82) and 2.9Ãâ€"10-8 (pKaHOCl,25ËÅ ¡C= 7.54) for temperatures between 0 and 25 ËÅ ¡C [[16]]. Under typical water treatment conditions in the pH range 6–9, hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite are the main chlorine species. Depending on the temperature and pH level, different distributions of aqueous chlorine species are observed. Fig. 1.6. Shows the distribution of HOCl and ClO as a function of the pH at 25ËÅ ¡C and for a chloride concentration of 5Ãâ€"10-3 M (177.5mgL-1). For these high chloride concentrations, Fig. 1 6. shows that Cl2 hydrolysis is almost complete at pH >4. Therefore, Cl2 can usually be neglected under typical drinking water treatment conditions [[17]]. References 1 [1]. P.C.Sharma, A. Jain and S. Jain, Fluoroquinolone antibacterial: a review on chemistry, Microbiology and therapeutic prospects, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Res, Vol. 66 , 2009, pp. 587-604. [2]. P.Wang, Y.L. He and C.H. Huang, Oxidation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and structurally related amines by chlorine dioxide: Reaction kinetics, product and pathway, Eval. Water res. vol.4 4, 2010, pp.5989-5998. [3]. M.C. Dodd , A.Shah ,U. V.Gunten and C. H.Huang, â€Å" Interactions of Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Agents with Aqueous Chlorine: Reaction -Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Transformation Pathways† Environ. Sci. Technol. Vol.39, 2005, pp. 7065-7076. [4]. S. D. Richardson and T. A. 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Kinetics of reversible chlorine hydrolysis: temperature dependence and general-acid/ base-assisted mechanisms. Inorg. Chem. Vol.33, 1994, pp.1050–1055. [16]. J.C.Morris, The acid ionization constant of HOCl from 5 to 351. J. Phys. Chem. Vol.70, 1966, pp.3798–3805. [17]. M. Deborde, U.V. Gunten, Reactions of chlorine with inorganic and organic compounds during water treatment—Kinetics and mechanisms: A critical review, water res., Vol. 42, 2008, pp.13 – 51.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Was the Alliance System Responsible for the Outbreak of WWI? :: World War I History

Was the Alliance System Responsible for the Outbreak of WWI? The importance of the alliance system that developed in Europe in the decades before World War I as a cause for it is still an important topic of debate and argument between modern historians. Some argue that the alliance system was a direct cause of the outbreak of war between all major countries in Europe while other historians prefer to state that the alliance configuration we observe before the war started was simply a symptom of the conflicts and disagreements, fears and envies that had been accumulating since the Bismarck system of alliances collapsed, and even before then. This last opinion is becoming more accepted as the one that describes the true importance of the actual alliance system as a cause of the war. In order to determine the importance of the alliance system as a cause for the war we must first explore the origins of these alliances. We will take high-point of the Bismarck system in 1878 as our starting point as the Franco-Prussian war is a key factor for the dev elopment of this system. The alliance system ideated by the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck kept peace in Europe but its main aim was, however, to forestall the possibility that, in the event of war, Germany would have to fight it on two fronts (basically France and Russia). This was achieved by diplomatically isolating France so that its dream of recapturing its lost provinces of Alsace-Lorraine couldn't be fulfilled. This was done by, firstly, the creation of the League of the Three Emperors or Dreikaiserbund. It was first projected as a meeting of the monarchs of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia in 1872 and confirmed the following year, the 22nd of October 1873. Here, the very general and formless agreement was given a more solid form by military agreements promising to help any country attacked by a fourth party. And all this even though that there was mutual rivalry between Russia and Austria-Hungary in the Balkans. This proved to be a concrete way to isolate France for as E. Eyck mentions, "the League ensured that neither Austria-Hungary nor Russia was available as an ally for France". At this point, Bismarck didn't consider Britain as a potential French ally as they had a long history of rivalry. Secondly, in 1887 the Reinsurance Treaty was signed with Russia in which it promised to support Russia's claims to the strait and to remain neutral in the event of war unless it attacked Austria-Hungary, the same with Russia, who promised to remain neutral unless it attacked France.